Went and googled the news on the US budget deficit to see what was going on and had to really dig to find anything on it at all. In fact only found two relevent entries on google news search, one from bloomberg and another similar story ( with a distinctly Democrat favor) from The Chicago Tribune. Found news on everything else right away, but the fact we are going to have to shut down our government effectively if we can't get the budget deficit under control in a few weeks seems to be unimportant to the major media at the moment. It's much more important we here about the chaos in the Middle-East and the bombings, fighting, and things that don't make us looka at our own situation here at home. I even found out that Britney Spears has a large following in the gay community and Barry Bonds ex-mistress is airing their dirty laundry in his trial. Wow, I can see how the fact we are going into a budget deficit crisis large enough to close our government down soon could have been overlooked... Watch as the tail wags the dog.
Wake up people, this is mass distraction at its finest. Fact is they are going to cut benefits across the board, and they want you good and distracted when they do it. We are talking, social programs, social security, unemployment, disability, food stamps, you name it. The SB-5 bill in Ohio and similar bills in several states are preemptive state level measures to lighten the blow when the cuts trickle down to them from the Federal Government. This is going to get bad, really bad...
In my 42 years I have seen a few emergencies in our government but none of them compare to the potential of this one. We just cannot keep throwing money at our problems. We keep doing that and then we print more money, and more money printed means each dollar is worth less. Soon we will be considered too high a risk to loan money to by the international community and then its game over. This has been coming since the Federal Reserve was formed, fed along by the removal of the gold standard, and helped by every insane attempt to create something from nothing that followed it. From the savings and loans scandal to the Housing bubble, and even the great depression and every single bubble, bust, and recession all of it was a warning about this kind of nonsense and no one paid it the attention it deserved. Well here it is and we are still pretending its all going to work out and ignoring it.
The only thing that gives our currency value is our ability to pay. That means as our financial standing goes, so goes our dollar value. The Federal Reserve is a quasi-governmental organization. How much is governmental and how much is quasi? Well the part on the sign that says "Federal" is the governmental part and the rest is quasi. Thats not an exaggeration folks, its on the Fed's own site. They are a Bank with investors and the utter insanity of Congress and Woodrow WIlson who ratified the Federal Reserve Act, is nothing short of lunacy.
Please look into all of this on your own, and come to your own conclusions. I fear we are being led to utter financial despair and a greater gap between the haves and have-nots since the dark ages.
- Ontario to report smaller budget deficit-newspaper
- Ontario budget deficit narrowed by 11%
- Ontario budget deficit narrowed by 11 pct -source
- Budget chief says deficits "unacceptably high"
- Durbin: Social Security reform a deal-killer for budget
- February federal budget deficit sets record
- Obama's budget would widen deficits: CBO
- U.S. posts record monthly budget deficit