Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Election of fear.

This election has again turned into a fear contest. Who's afraid? We are thats who. What are we afraid of? You name it; censorship, freedoms, change, taxes, all of these and more are used to frighten each and every one of us until they decide our vote for us.

The Republicans tell us that Obama is going to raise taxes on the middle-class. When every single annalist who has looked it over claims it will lower taxes for them. Democrats claim that John McCain's plan will be more of the exact same thing we've had for the last eight years. When in fact it is quite different, it even has some points that are polar opposite of the current administration.

Who's telling the truth? Neither one. And the sad thing is they don't care. It is not about the facts or truth anymore; merely who can scare us the most about the other guy.

I would like to say to both of them; ENOUGH! I don't care about the BS and nonsense about your opponent; I only care about what you are going to do.

If you have based your campaign on this scare tactic you have no right to be president! You care more about winning than you do about doing a good job that is evident. Both of you need to stop and focus on your positives and forget the other guys negatives for a minute, before you loose the voters who should really matter.

The voters I refer to are the ones who are intelligent enough to ask what you stand for and how you plan to accomplish your goals. The ones who care about America and what matters most to real Americans. Not just the corporate executives, or the labor unions but all Americans.

Here are some basic truths that need to be realized by everyone before they vote.

  1. What is best for the richest 10% is not always best for the rest of us.
  2. No one is going to take our guns.
  3. No one is going to take away your religion.
  4. The only administration who has undermined the constitution is in office right now.
  5. No one will automatically end the war in Iraq.
  6. No one will miraculously save America or kill it.
  7. No one will bring about socialism or fascism.
  8. Neither of them are Muslim.
  9. Both of them are American, one was born in Hawaii and one born in panama from American parents.
  10. Neither of them are saints or saviors.
Keep these things in mind before you cast your vote.

Friday, September 12, 2008

9/11 Seven years later.

I have been trying to avoid mentioning the significance of this day. Not because I don't remember or because I don't care, but because it is so difficult for me. That is a selfish way to avoid an uncomfortable situation, and I feel selfishness is one of the biggest problems in the world. So for me to avoid this day is an even greater wrong than forgetting about it. Its called accountability, and it's relatively unheard of these days; but as I know about accountability that makes me even more accountable for my actions or the lack them. For a blogger to preach about accountability in our government and then avoid such where he himself is concerned, is inexcusable. I am terribly sorry for the late post on this my friends; it is my own desire to maintain my comfort level that has brought this about.

On September 11th of the year 2001, on a bright and clear Tuesday morning at 8:45 am, the world became a much smaller place. I say that because until then I knew without question that the problems of the Muslim world did not affect me or my family and friends. Their troubles were exactly that, and my section of this vast planet was unaffected by their beliefs or petty disputes. Sure some of them were professing their hatred for us, but that was over there, and they most assuredly only a small portion of a much larger group of people. After all, I knew some Muslims and they were not trying to do me in. Obviously there were a few extremists ruining things for good Muslims the world over. And that was how I believed until 8:45 am.

At 8:45 am a hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. At 8:55 my wife called me and asked me turn on the TV, because she heard there was an accident in New York and it had something to do with a plane. I was half asleep (I worked 2nd shift then) but I got up and went to the TV and the first thing I saw was a flaming hole in the side of the tower. Telling my wife what I saw and that it was defiantly a plane that hit it, according to channel 8 news anyway and trying my best to take it all in, we began to speculate on how a plane could accidently hit such a large building. After a few minutes we watched in horror as a second plane hit the other tower. I immediately told her what I saw and at that moment we both knew it was not an accident.

At 9:03 am a second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 also out of Boston, crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center. At this point we were in shock. The word actually doesn't do it justice as it was something I have never felt before or since. My wife and I were speechless for several minutes, until she asked me if I thought there might be more. I was dumbstruck; what if there were more? What would I do? Should I go get the kids from school? Anyone who could do this could just as easily attack a school or nuclear power plant. These and so many other frightening thoughts raced through my head in a flash. Somehow I managed to tell her that I will call the schools and get them ASAP, and for her to stay at work until we know more.

We hung up and I began to call the schools, my fears grew as I found their lines were all too busy to take any more calls. At this moment my 2 year old daughter came walking into my bedroom rubbing sleep from eyes and asking," Can I watch cartoons in your room with you?" My fear suddenly disappeared and my dad instinct took over. First I need to protect my youngest and then find out about my other two. So that is what I did; I gave her the living room TV and told her to stay right there, then I began calling the school again.

Keeping one eye on the news and on eye on my daughter I called my wife back and gave her the situation on the school, and asked if she could call as well. She agreed and as soon as I hung up the phone rang and I was overjoyed to hear the voice of my oldest child telling me that she and her brother were alright and they were in the school gymnasium. I felt the world lift from my chest as I asked her what she new and if she wanted to come home. She replied, "why?" I knew then that she didn't know exactly what was going on and that was probably for the best right now. She said her teacher let her use a cell phone to call home, and that there was an accident in New York. I told her I loved her and to look after her brother until I come for them. I then talked to the teacher and thanked her for her thoughtfulness. She explained the situation and advised me to keep the kids there until we knew more and I agreed.

At 9:43 am American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon. I had just walked back into my room when the news flashed to the Pentagon. Oh My God! I thought as I saw the gaping hole in the side of the building. 3buildings and 3 planes what's next? I called my wife and gave her the information I had, she explained they had brought a TV in from the conference room and where watching it now. I thought, okay, we are good now we can get information, and assess the situation equally thereby making our decisions more quickly. We agreed that the older children were safe where they were for the time being, and that we should each stay where we are until the situation changes.

At 10:10 am United Airlines Flight 93 crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh. This was most assuredly another attempted hijacking I thought. Surely either the hijacking failed in disaster or the Air Force shot it down to prevent another catastrophe. One thing stuck in my mind though; this was not the act of one or two wakos, but the work of a well organized group with no problem killing innocents to make their point.

At 10:05 am the south tower of the World Trade Center collapses and at 10:28 am The World Trade Center's north tower collapses. Minutes before the first tower fell from the angle shown I could see people falling from the upper levels; this was immediately changed to another camera. I was completely numb from what I had already experienced that day; all I could do was watch silently in reverence to the visions before me. After seeing the second tower fall I ran to the living room and grabbed my daughter in hug to end all hugs.

That is all I wish to share with you on this, the rest is mine to contemplate; just as it is and should be with all of us. Do the best thing you can do for yourself today; hug your wife and kids, kiss your best girl (or guy), or whatever makes you feel better about the world.
We are all as different as can be in so many ways; maybe for one day we can embrace all that makes us alike. Maybe for one day this world can get smaller again, but this time for the right reasons.

In closing I want to say I do not hate Muslims, Arabs, or anyone else as a group. I will continue to treat each person as their behavior would warrant, be they black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Arab or Jew. I will reserve judgment solely for those who do or plan to do harm to me, my family, and my country.

However, if you do plan harm, harbor hate, or attempt violence to even the least of us, all I'm going to say to you is;
"come get some". We may be separated here by party affiliations, religion, race and creed, we may also be complacent and lazy at times, but do not mistake any of this for a weakness of spirit or lack of strength. We are the sleeping giant that Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto of the Japanese navy referred to when he said, "I fear we have awoken the sleeping giant" shortly after the attack on pearl harbor. Nothing will unite a group of individuals into an army of one faster than when an outsider comes in and attacks.

To those responsible for 9/11, you will be found and you will be held accountable, in this life or the next. What will you do if upon standing before Allah in the afterlife he asks you why you killed so many in his name? What if the things taught to you were nothing but the twisted ideals of a would-be messiah possessed by his own fears and hatred? What will you say? Will you point to the one who told you Gods plan and will? Will God then say to you, "it's okay, you were led astray by evil" or will he cast you to same fate as the demonic messiah? What if you were wrong about Gods will? What will his wrath be like? If man was made in Gods own image and man can hate and kill this well, what level of hate could God bring forth? I wouldn't want to know, and I bet you wouldn't either.

That is all from me tonight; good luck, good night, and Godspeed to all our brave troops out there.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Super Sarah Palin!

Look up in the sky its a bird, its a plane, its supersarah! Faster than a sasqatchuan seal hunter, more powerful than a polar bear, able to ban books and fire those who oppose her in a single bound!

Well Ok, she didn't actually ban any books but she did try to and has tried to fire any who don't agree with her. The GOP seems to think she is the new savior of the party and brings with her a fresh surge of potential voters. Sorry but I disagree with that, and moreover I hope Americans can see through the BS and see her for who and what she really is. And that is a religious zealot who is completely pro-censorship, and who is willing to do whatever it takes to push her agenda.

Please all you conservatives out there waiting to scream liberal and socialist at me, spare me the BS about her not actually firing the librarian or the police officer. Her intent was to do so and that is the real point here.

I don't put on a raincoat unless it's raining, and neither would she. She has stated that her intent in the questions about book banning were hypothetical when posed to the librarian, calling it a test of her loyalty as she put it. Well that makes a lot of sense; I often go in and concoct elaborate schemes to test the loyalty of my co-workers and employees. If you had a boss do this you'd think he was first; a twisted individual and second; a tyrant.

But perhaps I'm wrong about old Sarah, maybe she really was just fishing for information on loyalties in her town. Okay giving her the benefit of the doubt for a second; why do it like that? I mean if you are concerned about her loyalty, why not have a meeting with her in your office with some cabinet members around to help in the assessment or at least as witnesses. That would prevent any backlash and false accusations regarding her behavior or intent. But supersarah did not do this. No she tested her over the phone with no witnesses other than the other librarians, who would most assuredly back their co-worker.

Look, she is either malicious and conniving with plans for censorship, or an incompetent and obtuse would-be dictator with paranoid delusions. My personal guess is a little bit of both. It's obvious she has some kind of issues with control in regards to those around her. Whether her questions were hypothetical or not is beside the point anymore (the fake banned book list made it so thanks a lot who ever started it). The point now is whether or not she is competent and from this and the Troopergate scandal, I don't think so. As I said before she was at best least incompetent, and at worst a book banning religious zealot.

I got a comment once before about my lack of sources in a post. So just to appease the GW ditto-heads out there who can't GOOGLE their own information here you go: Here's the story from the Wassilla newspaper, here , and this is what Sarah said when asked about it; … Oh wait she hasn't given a reply yet. Well until she does make a statement about it many will make their own decisions.

One thing I want to say of a more personal note, whoever started circulating the ridiculous banned book list; stop helping us! Really we appreciate the effort but some of the books on your list weren't even in print at the time of this incident. So please don't circulate this list, all it does is make us all look like Republicans. That's the kind of thing Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh would try and now they have this for fuel to run their conservative propaganda machine. So please don't help them anymore and stop with the obviously fake list.

Well let me know your thoughts on this story folks.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And all that jazz...

What is the point in having an opinion or important question when you can't express it? These days anyone questioning good old GW or his buddies is quickly branded a socialist or even communist. Let's clarify something here folks; it is our duty as Americans to question our leaders especially in hard times. That is what lit the fire under our forefathers butts so long ago.

Isn't it still considered just and right to question and comment on what we feel is wrong? Well if you're an American citizen these days you better be careful what you say or how you say it, otherwise you are a traitor.

This administration has systematically removed all oppossing opinion in the White House Press crew, branded all who speak out against them as un-American, and at the same time portrayed themselves as the "Religious Right".

How can anyone claim an affinity to God when there main motivation is money. Wealth is their God, not the same one our forefathers envoced during the writing of our Decleration, but the god of greed.

They tell us we need to drill for more oil while they control the second largest oil producing country in the world, That climate change is a figment of our imagination, and to question them is both un-American and questionng God.

You know of all the divine qualities mentioned in the Bible greed, entitlement, lieing, and usery were not among them. But somehow this has become the way of enlightenment. Well if that's enlightenment I'll stay in the dark.

Let me know what you think.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin?

Wow! I didn't think it would be possible to get a bigger conservative than those in power now, but here she is. This so-called "maverick" is pro-life, pro-guns, pro-oil companies, and hates anyone who disagrees. A perfect selection for VP!

I am not going to talk about the ridiculous nonsense about her child being from her daughter or her lack of experience.... Well OK I am going to talk about the lack of experience. Wasn't McCain just talking about Obama being too inexperienced and "not ready to lead" in his commercials? Well this is a brilliant strategy John; tell them how this job needs experience and then get someone with even less experience. This must the "baffle em with BS" part of his campaign.

Personally I am starting to think McCain has lost his mind. He pretty much states his presidency will be more of the same at a time when the President has probably the worst approval rating of his white house career, tells us that Obama is too green to be president, while choosing the least experienced running mate I have ever heard of.

Palin is a Republican yes-woman, who has no political opinion she is not given. She is for but also against pork projects and bridges to nowhere, and corruption. Thats all I can really find that she has done and whether she is against or for them is still a mystery to me. As governor she used her position and power inappropriately and backed the bridge to nowhere that she claimed to be against.

There must be a factory somewhere that is mass-producing conservative republican ditto-heads, like the aliens who made the clone armies in Star Wars.