Thursday, September 11, 2008

Super Sarah Palin!

Look up in the sky its a bird, its a plane, its supersarah! Faster than a sasqatchuan seal hunter, more powerful than a polar bear, able to ban books and fire those who oppose her in a single bound!

Well Ok, she didn't actually ban any books but she did try to and has tried to fire any who don't agree with her. The GOP seems to think she is the new savior of the party and brings with her a fresh surge of potential voters. Sorry but I disagree with that, and moreover I hope Americans can see through the BS and see her for who and what she really is. And that is a religious zealot who is completely pro-censorship, and who is willing to do whatever it takes to push her agenda.

Please all you conservatives out there waiting to scream liberal and socialist at me, spare me the BS about her not actually firing the librarian or the police officer. Her intent was to do so and that is the real point here.

I don't put on a raincoat unless it's raining, and neither would she. She has stated that her intent in the questions about book banning were hypothetical when posed to the librarian, calling it a test of her loyalty as she put it. Well that makes a lot of sense; I often go in and concoct elaborate schemes to test the loyalty of my co-workers and employees. If you had a boss do this you'd think he was first; a twisted individual and second; a tyrant.

But perhaps I'm wrong about old Sarah, maybe she really was just fishing for information on loyalties in her town. Okay giving her the benefit of the doubt for a second; why do it like that? I mean if you are concerned about her loyalty, why not have a meeting with her in your office with some cabinet members around to help in the assessment or at least as witnesses. That would prevent any backlash and false accusations regarding her behavior or intent. But supersarah did not do this. No she tested her over the phone with no witnesses other than the other librarians, who would most assuredly back their co-worker.

Look, she is either malicious and conniving with plans for censorship, or an incompetent and obtuse would-be dictator with paranoid delusions. My personal guess is a little bit of both. It's obvious she has some kind of issues with control in regards to those around her. Whether her questions were hypothetical or not is beside the point anymore (the fake banned book list made it so thanks a lot who ever started it). The point now is whether or not she is competent and from this and the Troopergate scandal, I don't think so. As I said before she was at best least incompetent, and at worst a book banning religious zealot.

I got a comment once before about my lack of sources in a post. So just to appease the GW ditto-heads out there who can't GOOGLE their own information here you go: Here's the story from the Wassilla newspaper, here , and this is what Sarah said when asked about it; … Oh wait she hasn't given a reply yet. Well until she does make a statement about it many will make their own decisions.

One thing I want to say of a more personal note, whoever started circulating the ridiculous banned book list; stop helping us! Really we appreciate the effort but some of the books on your list weren't even in print at the time of this incident. So please don't circulate this list, all it does is make us all look like Republicans. That's the kind of thing Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh would try and now they have this for fuel to run their conservative propaganda machine. So please don't help them anymore and stop with the obviously fake list.

Well let me know your thoughts on this story folks.

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