Sunday, February 22, 2009

Off topic but i gotta talk to someone LOL

Just got let down by someone I admired and respected a great deal, and the sad thing is i saw it coming but played dumb. Yeah, like some kid or something, I let it happen. Shameful a 40 year old man still trusting people like that. But I did and took this person at face value.

Yeah, I'm a sap I know. I suffer from "truebelieverism" seems the best name to give it. Its when you believe in people and truth, honor, justice, blah, blah, blah. You know when someone tells you they are a simple person who wants truth and simple existence of respect and such. Uh huh, I buy it hook line and sinker. Even when those little things begin to show that tells me the true nature of a person I deny it and keep on believing.

Let me tell ya folks, anyone who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, says all these great and wonderful things and spouts off their fine values and upstanding character, yet at every chance they get to show theses things, they act opposite their claims. These people are not the person they are selling you, just a bad person with a good line.

Well if any of you have anything similar to relate please speak up.

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